Dear Friends and Lurker Bees:
Hope you are having an awesome weekend! I've been buzzing around here, there and everywhere since things have slowed down to a "dull roar". What have I been doing while buzzing you ask? Well, for starters: sifting, purging stuff, spring cleaning, detail cleaning...etc. etc. The problem (if you call it that) is that I can never stay in one place, I want to do it all and I want it all done NOW! So, I buzz around like a bee attending to whatever I have been behind in all spring while attending to the various family activities we're involved in. Oh, did someone say laundry. Yeah, I'm down in the dungeon alot to doing that.
So, where am I going with all this? Hmm...oh, yeah, I wanted to address some reader questions. I get emails from readers (which I love to hear from..hint, hint) in which they ask the same usual questions. Many mention the "lack of time thingy", most ask what images I use, and the rest explain their sheer confusion over my obsession with one inch squares. WEll, I'll try to answer some of these questions here.
1. Time or lack thereof to create question:
Ok, we all have the same 24 hours. WE all chose to spend our time on what we want, need, have to. (Not necessarily in that order). Well, I can tell you that getting creative time in is a habit for me. Just like exercise, I get in my creative time. I find little bits of time here and there. I can create in a little bit of time, just like someone can take a "cat nap" inbetween things. It's a habit. I create because it's my thing, I have to. First I wanted to, but then when I began to reep the relaxing and healthy benefits of using that part of my brain so the other busy part could relax, I knew I was on to something.
2. The "I have to know everything about how to do something exactly before I start" tabacle/question. I get questions about what I use, how I use it, if it's archival, if I wear matching socks while I create and do the gypsy dance. (just kidding). But seriously, lots of you have this creative person inside just dying to let go and get creating, but your right brain is telling you to "find the facts" and wait to start. WEll, I'm gonna tell you the secret. Yup. Are you listening? Here it is: JUST DO IT. Just start something. That's what I did a few years back when I started my creative habit. Like I said, it's like exercise, you have to start. One foot in front of the other. A little bit a day, and then let your creative self take over. It becomes a habit, a way of living.
3. The "why are you so obsessed with squares" question. WEll, first and foremost, I don't know exactly why, I've thought about it a little, but not too much as I'm having so much fun, no use in overthinkin' it. I guess I like making collages and little squares as much as someone who likes to golf alot. do you ask avid golfers why they like to golf so much and that you can't understand their fascination with a tiny little white ball? WEll, ok, I like squares in the same way that some people like little white balls on big green lawns (which by the way, their habit is way more expensive that mine. lol.)
So, off I go again to sift and purge (now that I've sifted an purged through some of my creative living thoughts). I'll try to post some pics of my organizing. I have a few things planned so stay tuned. Have a great day friends! xo L.