OK, so, where were we? This is studio update #362 I think. I can't remember where I left off...I know the re-do or studio move started this past summer when I decided that the upstairs "mudroom" could no longer contain me and my artjunk and that it was spilling over to allll the other rooms in the house. SO, I decided to banish myself to the unfinished portion of our basement (aka the dungeon/laundry room).
I really felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with it until this week. I finally gave myself a "deadline" to get the space in order. With the holidays coming, that kind of gave me the kick I needed. I normally like getting things organized before the new year. Have I ever told you about my "Nutcracker Christmas" fantasy...let's just save that for another post...it suffices to say that I always have this magical kind of idea of what it will be like on Christmas...and boxes of art supplies and junk all over the house isn't part of it...So I digress, as per usual. But, anyhoo...this project has dragged on, and then I know I took my blog and crafty break, and the boxes were left "unattended". But, I am back in the saddle and getting things in order in my new space. I'm happy to report that I've actually made some noticable progress!!
Yes, I had Bruno (you know, my dutiful and patient husband) help me move a large cabinet we used to keep other "junk" in over to my studio area yesterday. I cleaned it out, reworked some stuff and put lots of my ephemera and stuff in there. This is where I will bring the rest of the stuff that is contained upstairs. I am the queen of "use what you have decorating". I like to just re-work what I have. Unfortunately, that means I make Bruno move stuff...and he always says, "this is the last time..." but he's good to me, what can I say?
So, without further ado, here are a few pictures.....I will have more as I get the space done. I have some before pics also, which I hope to share in one album on my flickr page.
Ok, well, I best get back to work. I've been getting "squared away" with my 1000 square project as well. Oh, and I have tons of cut out squares from my square project. I found even more when I was "digging out".
I went kind of square punch crazy a while back. I love cutting squares out of the anthropologie catalog because the colors are so fabulous. I made a postcard quilt here with some of them, as well as other squares in my bin.
So the long and the short of it is, that art junk girl is getting her stuff together a bit here. I will update you more soon. Thanks so much for your comments during my break and for giving me support during that time. I love this creative community. You all are wonderful and mean alot to me! xoxo lia