OK, so, I've been in class so much lately that I haven't had time to update and journal on my blog! I love my new painting class! So much so, that I don't even want to cut out. I haven't been marked "absent" one day. I even went on my first field trip! Yes, and guess what? I didn't organize my field trip. The "principal" of my school (aka Bruno) took me down to the NGA to see the Rauschenberg Exhibit! Wow, that was a very enjoyable and enlightening experience. It definitely changed the way I thought about my process. (more on that in a bit). On the way down to the exhibit, I wrote out a "loose" curriculum on what I will study for the next two "units". I had quite a few of you express interest in joining me. I'm scared for you. lol. No, really, you are more than welcome!! I will share what I am doing here and you can adjust it to your needs. I have much to share. I cannot do it all right now as I have to go, but I'm going to try to get the first main points down. Ready? Ok.
Here's what I've learned so far:
~I tried to make it enjoyable by working with my habits, preferences. Who says I have to paint on canvas or watercolor paper? I immediately felt more comfortable when I started painting in my old wallpaper book...it really took that "fear" factor out of it for me... The sketchbook is too "serious" for me right now...too "school like"...lol. I love working in the wallpaper book because it also has lots of colors and textures. Plus I have enough room to move and once more, it's like a coffee table on my lap, lol...
~I have learned (and I know I've been told) that just jumping in and doing it is where the learning begins. Yes, you must learn basics, you must have an understanding and respect for principles, but you need to "work it out" by actually touching materials and trying different things. This way, you can learn what you prefer and see where you want to go. I know I'm painting a lot of "scary white females" right now, but I'm learning alot from them....lol.
Here's what I want to learn:
Unit 1: The Color Wheel. (Learning to mix my own paints..no delving into hours of color theory, just basics).
~Learn about Primary, secondary, tone, hue, and complimentary colors.
~Experiment with mixing my own colors while painting (I usually use the cheapo stuff, but I'm really learning more by mixing my own, etc.)
Unit 2: Art History (Identify/Study the movements I like and learn more about my top 5 fave artists). This is an "ongoing" unit.
Ok, so I hope I have made some sense here today. I must go now, but I will be back with more lessons and painting tales. Let me know how you are doing and if you have started something! Don't forget about groups like Creative Everyday and vlogs like Suziblu who encourage your creativity. We are in this together! Let's go paint something. xoxo lia