Ok, so, parents can homeschool or un-school their kids, right? So, why can't I develop my own curriculum and learn to paint this year? I say you are never too old...and hey, this is right up my alley being that I can't go to school while I have two kids in college. Try splaining that to big Bruno...Anyhow. Today, I started my own school. These are the materials I brought to class:
1. A paint wheel. (which I had to ask my 4th grader to splain to me...I usually don't understand things that can switch direction)..but that's another story....
2. A disregarded wallpaper book. Oh...this was my fave supply. I have several that were given to me by my local hardware store. Great to practice with, and on my budget...talk about art junk! woo.
3. My good paints. The one's I never use...that I got for Art and Soul last year. Yup. Need good paints to learn.
4. Brushes, a variety of hoarded one's sitting in my pencil holder...
5. Gesso. Lots of Gesso.
Lesson One: Learn the color wheel so you can mix your own paints.
~ I learned to mix paints and make the color violet all by myselves. It was super cool. Talk about being like a little kid...I found the whole color mixing thing to be fascinating...I can make a dozen versions of teal...lol...how cool is that (make mental note: need more white paint for mixing). I will probably spend a few weeks, maybe more on this portion of the curriculum.
Today I also discovered that Gesso is my BEST friend. Yes, gesso is paint's "eraser". I love Gesso. We are getting married tomorrow. Stay tuned for Lesson Two.
xo Lia