I'm having a pretty good mornin'. For one, I got to see my two college "babies" this weekend, and that always gives me a boost, and two, I got to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
I live on the east coast, a place where you never really know what the weather will decide to do. It can be freezing one day and summery weather the next. This complicates the morning dress routine. My daughters always ask me what the weather will be. My answer is always the same, "it's still winter, it's cold, wear your jacket".... I would say that it is generally pretty mild as far as blizzards and such go, but it can make up for it with it's humidity in the summer. That is why I looove the early spring and fall here. The air is very crisp and refreshing as the humidity has not set in, yet.
Yesterday, I spent the whole day outside. I just stood and looked around at nature and wondered how we can ever really be at a loss for inspiration. I also thought about the fact that I really do not get outside enough every day (other than jumpin' in and outta the car!)
With the advent of the internet, I've enjoyed being able to see pictures of dreamy places at the click of a button, especially since I don't get to travel much. But, I wonder how all the eye candy sometimes lures me away from being in the great outdoors enough, and just taking a break from all the technological distractions of our world.
Well, yesterday, as I stood outside and felt the fresh air brush against my skin, saw how the light shadowed over the stadium I was in, heard the music playing softly in the background, I had a swirl of creative ideas come to me. I felt so energized. I think I've forgotten to take time to smell the roses. The "real" roses. The world around me. I hope to take time this year to just be inspired by what is around me. I want to find a way to do this regularly.
So, that is what is on my mind today. Thinking, dreaming and noting how truly beautiful the world is and how it's just waiting for me to discover it, touch it, and work it into my art and life so I can enjoy it again and again. Well, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this with you today. Have a wonderful week my friends. xo lia