Dear Friends~
It seems like forever since I last updated my blog...but I think it's been less than a week. I've felt a bit out of touch as I've been busy with things "offline" then doing the radio show installments kind of took me away from my usual blog routine. Well, I'm back to blogland and wanted to share a few of my recent journal spreads. I've been in the mood for doing some "color theme" pages from magazine and catalog clippings...Here is "Blue".
This page is in my 4th moleskine. I just love these journals; their quality, versitality and compact size. I know I've said it before and mentioned it on my blog radio show...but it's worth repeating. Y'all should know by now that I tend to get a 'bit' obsessed with things I like.
Here's a close-up of a journal spread I did a few nights ago...
Next week I am going on "break" with the fam. It should be fun. My goal is to journal my trip as I go along. I usually wait until I get home. Mr. Moleskine is coming along for the ride... I will also get a chance to employ the watercolor crayons I never seem to touch. All I need is a brush and water and voila...colorful pages will ensue. I'll post my pages when I get back. Talk to you soon my friends.
xo Lia