Email states~
Hi Lia,
I love your artwork! Can you please in an upcoming post talk more about your favorite art supplies? I specifically want to know more about what kinds of pens and glue you use. Maybe you can do a blog post on the contents of your messenger bag?
Thank you for writing.
Short answer (the babble free version):
Glue sticks (3M scotchbrand is fave)
gel pens, micron .05 pens, sharpie poster markers, paint pens, ball-point pens
Lots of scrappy paper of the leftover variety. I keep little bins and boxes of them and then grab them when I'm ready to work.
watercolor paper, 140 lb. cold press
cheap acrylics: I do like the apple barrel kind alot
GESSO for thin pages
What's in my messenger bag:
~one or two art magazines
~a spiral notebook for notes
~glue sticks
~an envelope of scrap paper for journalling on the road
~my moleskine
~pen pouch with my minimum supplies: pencil/pen and gel pens
~starbucks card
Longer answer:
to be continued.....