Dear Friends.
This is what happens when I don't blog for a few days...I get out of my groove. I have been a busy bee as of late. I've been cleaning out my studio/aka dungeon room. Being that it's in the basement, lacking natural light, I have lost all track of time. Yes. It's true. The hub. came down the other night and told me it was 9:30 and I thought it was 6:00. The good news is that my studio is DONE. There are cleared surfaces (unlike the pic above, ahem). Yes, it's finally done. Now I want to move back upstairs where I get more natural light. Just kidding, well, sort of. I am one of those people who needs alot of light. I need to see trees, ok? Anyhow. there are 2 tiny windows up at the top of the laundry room dungeon. One is for the dryer vent. Not pretty.
So, I'm not complaining. No. I love my new studio. I am going to come up with a way to get more natural light in there. Anyhow, that is where I am right now. I will be updating more soon. I have new journal pages and collage cards I made with the cereal boxes. Talk soon my friends. Happy Summer! xo lia
p.s. I did clean the mirror after I shot this pic. It's an old vintage one from a fleamarket I went to years ago. I could only do so much...