Dear Friends~
I have a few new pages to share from my current moleskine journal.
I actually forgot to take it with me on our beach trip. I normally "don't leave home without it", but I didn't have it in it's normal location so it got left behind.
I worked on some pages tonight and then took pics of my junkin' finds this weekend. I always stop at the same little antique shop on the way home. Normally it's at the end of the day so I get about 40 minutes (Bruno's tolerance point). I actually hid inside the store when Bruno walked in to find me and the owner happily covered for me. It was quite a hoot. Now, my memory has not always been my strong suit, BUT, I always, somehow remember the layout of any antique store I like. Luckily, once the "junk" is parked in a certain place in these stores, it ain't a-movin!
I always go upstairs to the "doll" ladies booth. She has the coolest stuff. I got dorothy and "Dawn" there, plus the cute doll case. I bought another set from her last year. Who's the greek looking doll amongst the girlie stuff? Well, I found him down in the basement of the shop. He is called an "Evzone" because he is dressed like an Evzone, the elite military guards that stand outside the government palace. This is the traditional greek costume.
So, my greek pride get's the best of me when I find them in these shops. I find it my personal responsibility to rescue them. (I'm only half-kidding). My collection is growing. I think I'm up to 4, since most greek people don't give up their evzones. For one, they are traditionally given as gifts to children from aunts, uncles, or grandparents. Second, they are the only toy some greek kids are allowed to have. I don't understand why everyone says, "huh" when I come home and announce that I've rescued another 'Evzone'.
So, there you have it. Journals and Junk. Over and Out. xo lia