Dear Friends!
I'm still desk is just too messy and I can't get to my computer to blog...hee hee. I've signed up for alot of things this fall. I usually try to limit myself to one or two swaps at a time because of time factors, etc., but I just couldn't pass up the Marie Antoinette Itty-Bitty Book Swap, hosted by MaryAnn's Sis Jo of Labour of Love blog.
The other night, while working on sketches for Suzi class, I decided to sketch Marie. Then, while talking on the phone to MaryAnn yesterday, she suggested I "shrink" the sketch and use it for the Marie/French themed itty--bitty book! Here, on my desk, are some of the ensuing print outs. There are more, but we won't go there... Have you ever read the story, "If you give a moose a muffin?"...well, that's me. I can take one thing and get so wrapped up in the possibilities of "this way" and "that". It's part of what I find so fascinating about creating...endless possibilities.
So, as usual, I digress. I will show you all the completed pages when I am done. I have capped off my sign ups for now. I made a chart and I have 6 swaps I'm involved in this fall, plus Suzi homework, and then, did I tell you I'm also taking Paulette Insall's class? It starts next could I resist? Ok, so, this moose has gotta go for now. I know that muffin is here somewhere....
xoxo lia