Dear Friends,
It's Monday and I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. WE had a very nice and relaxing winter break. My favorite part was going away to our favorite lake and having time to think. Think about what is important. Think about what I want to focus on in the new year. I don't always have a specific plan on what I'm going to do art-wise, but I do have a list of things I want to do "one-day". The rest of the time I'm kind of floating along following my next creative obsession. Towards the end of the year I felt I had my hands (and mind) into too many interests. I felt a need to narrow down and focus on a few of my favorite things, (or at least try!) The one thing that keeps coming up for me is that I like books: working in books, writing in books, altered books, journal books, reading books, books.books.books.
So, I've decided to work mostly in books this year (at least that's what I am thinking for now). I will continue my moleskine journals, and I will work on altering some books I have waiting here. It's really my favorite thing to do. I want to focus on what I love doing the most this year.
I will share more on this soon. I made a handmade mini-book with my new years resolutions/dreams. I will load the pics later this week and share. I hope this year brings you closer to what you love to do best. It's a brand new year! I'm feeling great about the prospect of starting anew and following my heart.
xo lia