Dear Friends~
I've been working in my wallpaper journal recently so I thought I would post about it. A few days ago my hubby gave me that confused look and asked me "why" I like to work in it so much. He even went so far as to guess the answer, "the texture? the colors?...". I just looked at him and started to "splain"...then said, "never mind". I kinda/sorta have this little "policy", if you will, about not speakin' art junk talk to those who don't "do" art. I do this for a few reasons. For one, they will not 'get it'. Second, I get the "weird" look. Third, I get the "oh, can you teach me how to tyedye 500 tee-shirts for my church camp by this sunday?" LIke I'm supposed to know how to do everything artsy because I like to collage, etc. I remember splaining art journaling to a friend that asked a while back. I told her what I did, then she said to me the next time, "I can't wait for you to teach me to scrapbook!" I just nod my head and say, uh.. never mind. I'm a scrapbook drop out. Too much measuring (at least that's how I was taught) and I pretty much break every "archival" paper rule there is. So, I digress.... Back to the wallpaper book. Where do I get these wallpaper books, you may ask? Well, I get from the hardware store before they are going to throw them out. Normally, they put you on a list and will call you when they get the next batch ready for tossing. (you can ask them and they will let you know when they do it). They will want you to take a cart of them home, I usually take about 5. I haven't gotten any new one's in a long time because I have more than enough. Now, the reason I use them.
1. They are big and sturdy and fit on my lap like a lap desk.
2. I can paint in them, rip pages out, etc. I like to practice my painting inside ( I use the back of the pages since the printed side is coated). I do alot of experimenting at night, so having a big space like this is good for me because I go through alot of paper.
3. I rip pages out and make envelopes (sewn together) for trades, little mini journals, and sometimes I even use pages as a table protector underneath my work.
4. I've also used wallpaper from these books to line new desk drawers, label boxes and drawers in my studio, etc. The list is endless.
Now, the answer to my hubby's questions are yes and yes. I love the textures. I love the colors. I love that I can contain alot of my work inside and go back and look at it and add some more!
So, that's why I love the wallpaper books! Hope that answers your questions too. xoxo lia