I'm back from London and my head is spinning with whirls of inspiration, insights, rejuvenated resolve, and a yearning to learn more, more, more about London, art, painting, living, loving, photographing, talking, friendships, family, fun. I'm one gigantic run on sentence! There is just so much I'm excited about right now it's hard to focus! That is the honest to goodness truth! If I wait to gather my thoughts I may not ever write to share what's going on, so I'm giving you the unedited, unscripted, unlinked, off-the-top-of-my-head version. I read somewhere once that you shouldn't say things "off the top of your head", but hey, life's all about breakin' rules, right? WE have to live, learn, and share what's on our minds. After all, then you are getting the "real thing". Life. Unscripted.
So as it goes, here are a few of my favorite pics. We had the most amazing time touring London. On foot as well as by bus, by subway (the Tube), by the seat of our pants! We wanted to see and do as much as we could. The decision to take this trip was totally on the fly. The odds that we had someone lined up for the kids, well-priced tickets, no work or child related functions were about once every 24 years. Yes, we've been married 24 years (I know I look young..hee hee). But anyhow, yes, we married when we were 12. Anyhoo, I've always wanted to go to London. So, one day I just turned to my husband and said, let's go! Let's just drop everything and go! WEll, I didn't think Mr. Left Brain would take my challenge too seriously, but low and behold, I get up the next day and he's rattling off itineraries for a 5 day trip! So, what could I say. I quickly called MOther, who spend the first 5 minutes saying, "Do what now?", "when, why, what?" Oh, nevermind, I'll watch the kids.
So, there you go! I had less than 24 hours to pack, get tips on what to bring, get a new suitcase, a few new tops, a pink umbrella and some good walking shoes!
Happens once in a lifetime. YES> but hope it will happen again. I never thought I'd be so adventurous, but oh, I rose to the occasion. (My apologies to the kind gentleman I fell on top of however when the Tube started moving). Although I rose to the occasion, I rose very slowly. I am not a fast mover. No, so I found that I was continually apologetic to anyone who had to wait on me to move to the right or get out of the way or get out my passport, already! But, no worries. The people in London were fabulously kind, witty and wonderful.
I left with a yearning to know more...more about the history, all the magnificant buildings I saw, the people, the lifestyle, the list goes on!
So, this is my initial impression or "mind dump" if you will! It feels good that I got all this down! It will take several posts to cover everything, but I hope to do so for posterity.
So with that I bid you adieu for now and will be back soon with more photos and tidbits. Time for a cup of tea, and ofcourse time to catch my breath! London did, infact, take my breath away!
Talk soon my friends. Follow your dreams. Just do it. Today is a great day to start. The world is such a beautiful place!
xoxoxo lia