Dear Friends:
I have a busy life. Yes, I do. That is why I neeeed art. Art is my great escape. If I didn't have this outlet, I'd be the girl in the "Car's" Drive video swinging her arm over her head.
No lie.
So, I don't know how people say they don't have time for art or crafting or whatever you like to call it. It's just so freakin' fun to have this magical place to escape to. You can create your own world. I know that's what I do...and I'm stickin' to it! Like. Glue. "No pun intended".
I think I know the "secret" to the creative life. Yes, I do. Are you ready? You must do it every day. Even if you only have a few minutes. It get's you in the swing. It's kind of like exercise. If you need to see more about this concept, or want to challenge yourself in new ways, I encourage you to check some of my favorite links for living a creative life and in some cases, creating the life you want. All of these places encourage finding your own personal voice as well. At least I feel that they exude this in their writings and explorations of creative living.
52 Projects (there is a book as well), this is great for ideas to get your started on a creative routine!
Creative Everyday (with Leah Piken Kolidas), the title says it all!
Angry Chicken(she makes me want to get out my sewing machine and she just plain lives and breathes creativity, everyday!)
Whip Up-more project ideas than Martha Stewart herself...very creative and fun. It's also a great way to find creative blogs.
Sabrina Ward Harrison (Also check books, Brave on the Rocks, Spilling Open). My greatest inspiration!
So, those are a few of the places that always inspire me to live the creative life.
xo lia