Dear Fellow Journal Artist:
This week, I plan to take you "inside" some of my journals. This is my big black sketchbook journal. I really felt like getting it out again this week. I use this one when I want a big surface to paint on. That is what I love about an art journal, it is so versatile. You can pick any type of book you want, there is no right or wrong book, just what feels comfortable to you. You can use it to journal in, paint in, or both. You can collage in it, you can let things "out". You can experiment. It's a place that no one has to see, or you can share your pages and inspire others.
I've been cleaning my studio for the last week, or so, with the emphasis on "or so". I found a box of journals I had forgotten about. So, I've decided that for the next week I will post a page a day from these journals. Some of them are more personal. It won't be anything I've shared here before, or on my flickr. So, come along with me this week and see all the things that an art journal can be to one person.
p.s. Have you started your art journal yet? What are you waiting for?!
xo lia