"What's a gluebook?"
I decided to answer this question on the journaljunk blog after receiving several inquiries via email. I answered directly to those who asked, so they could "get gluing!", but I wanted to share the answer here for those who were too shy to ask!
!. A gluebook is simply a notebook/journal of any sort that you glue magazine and junk mail clippings in. Many people call them their "inspiration" book. I've kept a gluebook with my favorite decorating ideas/etc. for many years. It is a very relaxing activity, and also a good way to record your favorite ideas, visually. I must say that a "gluebook" is also an excellent thing to have on hand for those of us who have a hard time throwing away movie tickets, special notes from the kids, etc.
2. Resources for gluebooks.
I found an excellent page detailing gluebook basics here.
Lisa Vollrath also has a Yahoo group (membership must be approved) with prompts, challenges, etc. It's called Gluebooks: the official home of the "gluemonkeys".
I think that is all for now. Oh, and if you want to know what book I use, it's usually a black composition book (you know, the one's the kids buy for school), but sometimes I glue in my old dayplanners.
One more thing. You can also use a gluebook to glue in some visual's that will motivate you to reach your goals. I started doing this several years ago when I read the book, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. So, it's kind of like an inspiration board, just one page at a time...
Happy gluing! Remember your gluestick....don't leave home without it...